Heartless by Marissa Meyer | Book Review

Heartless tells
the story of how the Queen of Hearts became the villain we all love to hate in Alice in Wonderland. It starts with
Catherine, a noble lady in Hearts, as she tries to avoid a marriage proposal
from the bumbling King of Hearts and achieve her dream of opening a bakery. However,
her life begins to go off course when she meets Jest.
Jest, the King’s fool who is far more clever than the king
he serves, sweeps Catherine off her feet. But since we all know how this end
story ends, it is not happily ever after for the two of them. I still enjoyed
the relationship between the two of them as well as the story as a whole.
The Queen of Hearts has always been one of those villains I enjoy
reading about so this book appealed to me from the start. Even though I found
the beginning of the book to be rather slow, the wackiness of Wonderland was
still enjoyable. The side characters were all so interesting and I wish there
had been more about Chess in the book, but I suppose there are limitations when
there is an established ending.
Overall, I really liked this book but the slow start was
frustrating. I love Marissa Meyer’s writing and adored her Lunar Chronicles series so I had high hopes for this. For the most
part, those were met.
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