"The Murder Complex" by Lindsay Cummings

Page Count: 398 Pages
Publish Date: June 10th, 2014
Read Date(s): August 19th to 22nd, 2015
Genre: YA/Dystopian/Sci-Fi/Romance
Synopsis: Meadow Woodson, a fifteen-year-old girl who has been trained by her father to fight, to kill, and to survive any situation, lives with her family on a houseboat in Florida. The state is controlled by the Murder Complex, an organization that tracks the population with precision.
The plot starts to thicken when Meadow meets Zephyr James, who is - although he doesn't know it - one of the MC's programmed assassins. Is their meeting a coincidence? Destiny? Or part of a terrifying strategy? And will Zephyr keep Meadow from discovering the haunting truth about her family?
Review: I don't know what I was expecting from a book titled The Murder Complex, but there was so much blood and stuff of that sort that I feel like I got desensitized at a certain point.
Blood and gore aside, it was action-packed and fast-paced which is probably why it only took me a few days to finish despite how busy I was at the time. For a lot of this book, I was totally on the edge of my seat, which doesn't happen very often. And because each chapter was pretty short, it made the book seem to fly by.
The writing was pretty good and I liked Lindsay Cummings's style a great deal even if I sometimes found it lacking detail where I would have liked a bit more. The world was interesting and I liked the idea of the Murder Complex a great deal. It would have been nice to see more detail about those.
What I didn't love were the characters. Meadow felt like a flashback to the types of characters I saw as OCs on Fanfiction.net when I was in middle school. Silver hair down to her waist, gray eyes, chosen one vibe. You get the picture. This was only reinforced by the fact she is naturally the best fighter in the Shallows and by several other things along the way. I didn't see too much of a personality in her either.
Zephyr was also a rather lacking character. It feels like his sole purpose is to be a love interest for Meadow.
But I really enjoyed the action and the idea of the story so I'll probably read the next one anyways.
Rating: 3.5 STARS
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